Books & Chapters
I have two books, one completed in 2016, one in progress:
1) Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne/Technique/Technology” (December 29, 2016) co-edited with Kate Sicchio, for the Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies series, Routledge, UK. Available online here
2) New Directions in Mobile Performance, monograph for Ashgate Press, due August 2017, to publish by December 2017.
3) Book chapter: “ICT&ART Connect: Connecting ICT & Art Communities Project Outcomes” (July 2016) IN Curating the Digital: Space for Art and Interaction, Editors: David England, Thecla Schiphorst, Nick Bryan-Kinns, Switzerland: Springer, pages 89-105. Available online at: Book based on CHI 2014 workshop on Human Computer Interaction and Art Curating, this chapter is based on the EU FP7 ICT funded project, and its outcomes to bring artists and technologists together, their collaborative process & interaction across disciplines and their resulting projects by the end in May 2014.
4) Baker, C. C. (in-press, due February 2017) Book chapter: “Critical Interventions in Wearable Tech, Smart Fashion & Etextiles in Art and Performance”, In Digital Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities, edited by Susan Broadhurst and Sara Price, Palgrave Publishing, MacMillan: Hampshire, UK – Book based on the collaborative project Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences (MIDAS) from 2013-14, on the diverse range of methodological approaches to digital creativity in the arts and humanities. This chapter focuses on Baker’s ongoing collaboration with Kate Sicchio on the Hacking the Body and HTB 2.0 and research on wearable technologies in their joint performance practice.
Peer reviewed papers 2011- present
**All my citations can be seen on Google Scholar here:
Baker, C. C. and Sicchio, K. (June 30-July 2), International Conference on Live Interfaces, Brighton, UK, conference proceedings in press (expected December 2016), IN The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Bristol, UK: Intellect Press. Proceedings available online at
Baker, C. C. and Sicchio, K. (July 8, 2015), Stitch, Bitch, Make/Perform: Wearables in Performance, IN ‘The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts’, 2015, EVA London, UK. Available online at:
Baker, C. C. (Sept 2, 2014) ICT&ART Connect: Connecting Art and Technology Communities – Project Outcomes, IN DRHA2014: Digital Research in Humanities and the Arts Conference, University of Greenwich, London, UK. Abstract available online at:
Baker, C. C. (July 9, 2014) ICT&ART Connect: Connecting ICT & Art Communities – project outcomes, IN ‘The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts’, 2014, EVA London, UK. Available online at:
Baker, C. C. (April 2014) ICT&ART Connect: Connecting ICT & Art Communities – early outcomes, IN ‘The Future of Art and Computing: A Post-Turing Centennial Perspective Symposium’, AISB Conference Proceedings, edited by the respective symposium chairs and collated by Rodger Kibble, AISB-50 Publications Chair, London, UK. Available online at:
Baker, C. C. and Sicchio, K. (December 2013), Hacking the Body, IN Cleland, K., Fisher, L. & Harley, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, ISEA2013, Sydney, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-646-91313-1. Available online at:
Baker, C. C. (July 29, 2013), Open-source, custom interfaces and devices with live coding in participatory performance, IN ‘The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts’, 2013, EVA London, UK. Available online at:
Baker, C. C. and Sicchio, K.M. (July 29, 2013), Hacking the Body project, IN ‘The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts’, 2013, EVA London, UK. Available online at:
Baker, C. C (Aug 16 2013 online), Media life: we are media (book review), IN ‘Information, Communication & Society’, Vol 16:7, Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2013.825637 ISSN 1369-118X/1468-4462. Available online at:
Baker, C. C., Rothwell, N., Roskab, E, and Bowie, F. July 10th-12th, 2012), The Life Project, IN The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA) London, UK, 2012, a collaborative paper of three academics from various UK universities. Available online at:
Baker, C. (Sept 14-22 2011), Tactile Video Love Letters: finding new modalities for non-verbal communication paper and ‘MINDtouch: Mobile Video Creativity’, workshop, Conference Proceedings, International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), Sabanci Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey.
Baker, C. (April 2011), Methodologies for mobile media performance , IN TRANSBIOTICS / ART AS RESEARCH (2010). Editor: Rasa Šmite, RIXC, MPLab, Riga/ Available online at:
Baker, C. C. (December 2010) MINDtouch 'Ephemeral Transference: Liveness’ in Networked Performance with Mobile Devices, PhD Thesis, published in University of East London Library in print with DVD support materials and the British Library in digital form.